Myths in My Country #1

I really love photography. I usually take some photos and keep them for myself. Yes, just keep them, Lol.

Many people share their photos on any social media. No offense, I did it once when I was in the mood to share it. I even shared it on my Instagram, but I deleted it. πŸ˜…

I have bad memories. I felt that I wouldn’t be able to see one of my family members again. I started taking photos of the person. Saving them. And.. a few months later, what I felt.. came true. The person I photographed was no longer in this world. πŸ₯€

There are some myths around my country not to take too many photos of someone. They will die soon. — Have you ever heard the same thing?

I honestly don’t believe the myth. Because my grandfather has been sick for a long time. Well, because I have that feeling, I often take pictures of my grandfather and feel grateful, because at least I have memories that can remind me of him through photos. My grandfather is resting in peace. No longer in pain. 🩷

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