Myths in My Country #1

I really love photography. I usually take some photos and keep them for myself. Yes, just keep them, Lol.

Many people share their photos on any social media. No offense, I did it once when I was in the mood to share it. I even shared it on my Instagram, but I deleted it. 😅

I have bad memories. I felt that I wouldn’t be able to see one of my family members again. I started taking photos of the person. Saving them. And.. a few months later, what I felt.. came true. The person I photographed was no longer in this world. 🥀

There are some myths around my country not to take too many photos of someone. They will die soon. — Have you ever heard the same thing?

I honestly don’t believe the myth. Because my grandfather has been sick for a long time. Well, because I have that feeling, I often take pictures of my grandfather and feel grateful, because at least I have memories that can remind me of him through photos. My grandfather is resting in peace. No longer in pain. 🩷


Banyak sih yang masih tabu buat ngomongin hal ini. Tapi berhubung kejadian ini lekat banget sama linker-ku, pengen aja kalian aku ajak diskusi. 🙌

Gak ada niat buat saling jatohin atau gimana gitu, cuman memuaskan rasa penasaran aja.

Pernah gak sih kalian dihadapkan pada suatu masalah seperti judul itu?

Kalo aku..

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Welcome 2019

Tamansari Yogyakarta (ig: @yunitayuun)

Kapan terakhir kali saya menulis di sini? Entahlah. Saya pun tak ingat. Beberapa konten terakhir pun saya lupa.

Kenapa? Kamu lari lagi dari kenyataan?

Oh! Tidak! Justru karena saya ingin fokus pada kenyataan.

Terlalu banyak tuntutan dan saya sedang bingung menyelesaikannya. Tuntutan yang memang seharusnya saya emban. Jika berkata Continue reading


Got that pict from my friend ^^

Photo by @akishimu001

Kita berjalan diiringi berbagai pilihan. Tugas kita untuk memilihnya. Diam atau bergerak. Tetap bertahan di tempat atau melangkah ke depan. Menuju ke arah yang lebih positive atau negative.

Namun terkadang, tidak setiap orang dapat memilih

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